January 26, 2011
While reading the section about good readers and good writers by Nabokov, he mentioned a lot of good reasons on what makes a good reader. One of the first main reasons is that a good reader should notice all of the details of the material that the individual is reading. Nabokov also states to never start reading a book with a general idea of what the book is going to be about, so always be open minded when choosing or reading a book. While the reader is reading the writings, the reader should use their imagination and use their imagination very vividly. This includes to vision in your head the scenery, the voices, and anything that is taking place in the reading. I feel that I do agree with Nabokov opinion on what makes a good reader. Not only did he list what he thought makes a good reader, but he also gave examples of how each one makes a good reader.
I believe some similar thoughts of what Nabokov thought. I strongly believe that in order to be a good reader, that you have to be open minded about what you are reading. For example, say that a book that you have to read for a class doesn’t sound to interesting to you, well you should always be open minded about the book and try to pick out little things that might make you enjoy the book more. I think that I am a good reader because I enjoy reading. Not only do I enjoy reading, but when I am reading I sometimes seem to get so into the books that I can imagine myself actually being in the book itself. I can imagine everything that is going on in the reading perfectly in my mind.
Here is a link of where I read Good Readers and Good Writers:
I got the photo above from this website: